Critical Issues
Critical Issues
By identifying the critical issues facing the organization, Outreach International Global Ministries can focus on both internal and external suggestions and assistance to move these issues from critical to productive.
Outreach International Global Ministries has identified the following issues:
- How can Outreach International Global Ministries obtain funding to support its operations?
- How can Outreach International Global Ministries establish itself as a reputable organization?
- How can Outreach International Global Ministries obtain significant-nonprofit expertise that will contribute to developing our program?
Strategic Issues
How can Outreach International Global Ministries obtain funding to support its operations?
- Continue to partner with individuals, churches, organizations, companies, etc. that has the same vision of helping the poor.
- Seek opportunities to apply for grants.
- Advertise our organization through different media. Display the financial needs of and the support given to the poor.
- We must generate sufficient revenues in order to obtain facilities to deliver services, develop additional programs, and create remarkable visions of the future.
How can Outreach International Global Ministries establish itself as a reputable organization?
- Develop a known presence throughout the sector, via the development and implementation of a comprehensive marketing program, in order to recruit donors and clients.
How can Outreach International Global Ministries obtain significant-nonprofit expertise that will contribute to developing our program?
- Recruit additional members to join the executive and/or advisory board in an effort to establish expertise for program development.
Implementation of Strategies Successfully transition strategic planning to strategic management. Outreach International Global Ministries must identify and adopt efficient strategies to address its issues. Action plans must be implemented in an effort to resolve issues and allow the organization to secure added public value. Realization that the implementation process involves adaptive learning will lead to more effective implementation. Competent utilization of resources; and, adherence to time lines will lead to rapid, worthwhile goal achievement.
Evaluation Plan
A detailed plan for evaluation will be implemented in order to assess the ongoing progress of meeting the goals, and, objectives outlined in the strategic plan. Members of the planning committee will provide key stakeholders with quarterly appraisals of all implementation activities. Items reviewed will include, but is not limited to, objective achievement, public value creation, and cost-effectiveness.
Meetings among key stakeholders, particularly the Board of Directors, provide an opportunity for discussion and decision-making regarding needed method modifications. Staff will assess clients' satisfaction with strategically improved services; via surveys. All key stakeholders of Outreach International Global Ministries will receive a final report outlining the success of the strategic plan. After OIGM implement strategies to resolve issues, when the issues are resolved, then the planning project will be considered a success.
Vision of the Future
Through the effective collaboration between public and private partnerships, Outreach International Global Ministries is working diligently to alleviate poverty in disadvantaged regions worldwide through the development of schools, medical centers, and other community facilities. Organizational initiatives have facilitated numerous community development projects and have helped to create financially, viable, skilled individuals that have the ability to address the future needs of their families and community.